It is 5:47 and I just remembered this site exists- I'm soso sorry for not being active

transphobia mention 

GUYS IM DYING LMAOOO. I'm trying to check one of my posts, misclick, and see a hilarious response on my intro. Thanks, guy for giving me a laugh. Actually thought this would make me upset

Just because I have 96 gigs of RAM doesn't make it okay for OneDrive to take 3 gigs of RAM.

Since I have orange juice to have with dinner tonight I remembered that my body defies science.. y'know how minty toothpaste is supposed to taste horrible with oj? Well I actually like the taste to the point I purposely brush my teeth before drinking orange juice.

So guess who forgot to post on days/weeks on end. Anyway the only real important thing that I remember as of now is 2 days ago I started to learn visual c++ on the old laptop I was fixing with @yestergearpc and I haven't picked it up since cause GOD this is complex and this is only version 6... The book I'm using to learn Is huge and though I don't have much to do everyday I am horrified cause im only in the "Start making your first program!" Section

@germanio Well the tutorial I was following was from 2019, so I'm thinking even if I did fix the problem there would be some outdated stuff in there; so I found a more recent tutorial to follow

Know what? The tutorial Im watching is from 2019, I'm just gonna find the newest tutorial I can find

HELP ME PLEASE :(((((((((( I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO AT THIS RATE.. I'm reading the error and I have no clue what it means. I put the Actor thing where it was supposed to go and the green square still no move, it doesn't even open, I don't know what this means I've tried all I could even think of :(

Due to @yestergearpc pestering me to work on my project (/j) I'm working on it earlier than I planned


Okay, im saying this here so I will actually do it.. Once I'm done watching this 12 hour show I am gonna continue working on programming

Trying to get motivation to get up and work on the tutorial game again :/

I'm bored, thinking of continuing to try to get my block moving but there's an open callus on my foot and I don't want my foot to get infected with gross shit :/

Just changed my header to a different random old man to be funny

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