Another issue of Computer Shopper is now scanned in: January 1987. I would say I "get it", now: the process loses none of the data, and I'm keeping the pages rather straight through the scanner. This is VERY hard work.

The pages will eventually have cropped/color-leveled versions up, but for now, I made the RAW versions browsable so you can get the value now:


@textfiles I find it interesting that the only mentions of the 386 are in a story about Comdex and an advertisement for a solid state storage system.

The Compaq Deskpro 386 came out 4 months before this issue, and I know there were other models on the market by the new year, yet none showing up here.

Must be publishing lag time.

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@yestergearpc one nice thing is that when they are all in you'll be able to do text searches and find when things are first mention. You can search this one issue for terms easily.

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