Surprising number of folks pick up a 3D printer, do a few prints and then never use it again

I wonder what the level attrition is

@cypnk I go in cycles. I'll have a month I print 15 things, then 6 months or more without. Mostly because I think of how long it's going to take to get the damn thing dialed in again, so I just start making a list of things I need to print until I have enough to justify the 12 hours of tinkering.

@yestergearpc Wow, that's a long break. How do you store your filament? I don't own a printer and just bring new filament when I borrow my friend's printer since I use quite a lot at a time (I also make a list)


@cypnk Improperly... Lol.

Generally in a ziplock, or sometimes just leave it on the printer. Probably part of my issue.

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