Hey uh can we not gatekeep vintage machines based on cpu architecture please

Just because it has an Intel cpu in it doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve the designation of “Vintage Apple”.

Intel will become the new PowerPC, especially once Apple fully realizes its transition to Apple Silicon.


@xodium Gatekeepers of any level tick me off.

Everybody has a different definition of what is retro/vintage/old.

Just let people like things :)

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@yestergearpc I think it’s sadly not helped in the Apple space by /r/VintageApple having a thing in their sidebar saying “don’t post intel products”. Which needs to go, frankly. But the mods don’t seem to want to do it.

@xodium @yestergearpc

Counterpoint: /r/VintageApple and a lot of reddit usually thinks the sun shines out of its rear end and dislikes its opinions being challenged.

They can be ignored/laughed at as required.

IMHO a lot of the early Core Duo/Core Solo machines are definitely retro at this point. Probably some of the early Core 2's as well at this point.

@Vaneshi @yestergearpc I mean reddit be reddit but it's a place where many (myself included) got their start, not to mention almost 50k users is a not insignificant amount of people. I'd argue it's worth calling them out to change their tone.

Though the fun thing is every time I bang this drum, I do get people agreeing with me (on reddit). The mod team just seems stubborn.

@xodium @yestergearpc

Always keep in mind a very very old 4chan meme when looking at large groups:

"None of us is as dumb as all of us"

Gestalt entities (i.e. "le hive mind") tend to be not very bright, and highly resistant to outside influence/change. Sure they're useful as a source of data but I'd never take one's word as gospel truth.

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