So I have tentatively decided to show off at VCF East the complete boxed Macintosh I was gifted by a coworker on the eve of the _last_ VCF East. WHEN I say "complete", I mean complete -- every styrofoam insert, every cardboard sleeve, every diskette and audio casette.
The problem -- I havent done anything to restore it yet it or get it in shape to run for tens of hours in April.
I really hope that I can get this done in time. I need to clean it and recap it and I am still a relative n00b.
@d_j_fitzgerald What model Mac?
@yestergearpc an original 128k, with OG "Macintosh" branding. The sales receipt said mid-1984, but it may have been in storage before being sold.
@d_j_fitzgerald Mac 128s very very rarely require recaps. Generally, just snip the RIFA (or replace), swap the PRAM battery, and it's good to go for years.
@d_j_fitzgerald Sorry for the repost, I still haven't figured out how to enable editing my post on my server lol. I said varta instead of RIFA. My head sometimes confuses explosive devices.
@yestergearpc my fear is that without a recap the whole thing will fail during VCF East. Maybe I should stress test it first
@d_j_fitzgerald In my experience, the "bad caps" started with the SE/30 board, and anything for the decade or so after that.